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Understanding China Fellowship

“Understanding China” Visiting Scholar to China

  1. Fellowship Description
    Understanding China Fellowship aims to support assistant professors or above from foreign universities and academic institutes to undertake joint research in top Chinese universities. Excellent postdoctoral fellows are also welcome to apply.
    Applicants shall be non-Chinese citizens.
  2. Duration
    From two weeks to six months.
  3. Application materials (Chinese or English)
    Application Form
    Passport information (Photo page)
    An invitation letter from the host university (see Appendix 4)
    Two academic recommendation letters
    A recommendation letter from a local Confucius Institute or the local Chinese Embassy/Consulate will be a plus.
  4. How to apply
    Log in to
  5. Review and Announcement
    The Confucius China Studies Program Expert Panel will review the applications.
    A typical review cycle takes around 3 months. Please kindly make arrangement for your visit plan. If you have any inquiry or concern, please feel free to consult by email or phone call during the period of review.
    The review results will be announced by email.
  6. Funding
    10000 RMB per month;
    Round-trip international airfare (economy class, to be reimbursed against actual cost);
    Personal accident insurance during the visit term in China (we will buy for you. Reimbursement is not applicable)

“Understanding China” Short-term Visit

  1. Purpose
    The “Understanding China” Short-term Visit program serves to support senior officials from government, education and culture, non-governmental organizations and business.
  2. Duration
    From two weeks to two months.
  3. Application materials
    Achievements and rewards;
    A statement of purpose for the visit;
    Passport information;
    Priority is given to applicants who obtain a letter of recommendation from local Confucius Institutes, or the Chinese Embassy (Consulate) in your country.
  4. How to apply
    Applicants shall log in on
  5. Assessment
    Applicants will have a correspondence review from the expert panel of the Confucius China Studies Program.
  6. Funding
    Accommodation and travel expenses in China;
    Round-trip international airfare (economy class, to be reimbursed against actual cost);
    Life insurance during the visit term in China (we will buy for you. Reimbursement is not applicable. )
  7. Schedule
    After passing a correspondence review from our expert panel, the admitted applicants will receive “Notice of Funding” from the Confucius Institute Headquarters.

Understanding China Credit Course by Chinese Scholar

  1. Program Description
    This program aims to support Chinese scholars to teach non-language credit courses in foreign universities, and give lectures and host cultural salons in local and neighboring Confucius Institutes. The scholars can also carry out joint research with local scholars when available.
  2. Requirements
    The scholar shall be professor or associate professor in a Chinese university.
    The credit course shall be in the field of humanities and social sciences, related to China studies. For credit courses of Chinese art, traditional Chinese medicine, martial art, etc., please consult with the contact officer in advance.
    The credit course can be taught by a Chinese scholar, or co-taught by a Chinese scholar and local scholar(s). Please explain in the application form.
    The course duration can be short-term (within 1 month), mid-term (1-6 months) and long-term (6 months above, up to 1-2years)
  3. How to apply
    Applicants shall log in on
  4. Review and Announcement
    The CI Headquarters and the Confucius China Studies Program (CCSP) Expert Panel will review the applications. A typical review cycle takes around 3 months. Please feel free to consult by email or phone call during the period of review. The result will be announced by email.

Considering that scholars who expect to work overseas for one semester or above need to make arrangement in advance, all application materials must be submitted to the Headquarters at least 9 months before the course’s beginning date, the earlier the better. For example, if the course will begin on September 1st of 2021, please make sure to apply before November 30, 2020.