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Chinese Ambassador to Slovakia, H. E. CAI Ge, Visited CIB at UMB

30. Október 2023

On Oct. 27, 2023, Chinese Ambassador to Slovakia, H. E. CAI Ge, and his company visited Confucius Institute for Business at Matej Bel University (CIB at UMB), and held talks with Mrs. Vice-Rector and CIB Slovak Director Miroslava Knapkova, CIB Chinese Director Jianwei Wang and CIB teachers and some students.

During the talk, both Directors warmly welcomed Mr. Ambassador Cai, and briefly introduced the operation and some accomplishments of CIB at UMB as well as the good partnership between DUFE and UMB. At the same time, the Directors also mentioned some ideas on developing CIB at UMB with characteristics. Mr. Ambassador Cai said that the Embassy would continue the support to CIB at UMB in her development.

After the talk, Mr. Ambassador Cai went to the Chinese classroom at FPVaMV in the rain to meet the teacher and the students. There, he showed his understanding of the obstacles that Slovak students face in their learning of the Chinese language. He shared his own experiences when he was learning the Czech language to encourage the students to overcome the difficulties with insistence and perseverance. He said that for students majoring in international relations, learning Chinese not only can help them understand the Chinese culture, but also has practical significance for their future career development. Each student here can become a diplomat in the future, and the Chinese language will definitely be of great use. He hopes that when he walks into the Chinese class again, he can still see every young person here.  All the students felt the ambassador’s kindness and care in a relaxing and pleasant atmosphere.

Mr. Ambassador Cai presented CIB at UMB with a painting of "The Great Wall Scenery" and took photos with CIB members. CIB at UMB thanks Mr. Ambassador Cai and the Chinese Embassy for their concern and support. In the future, we will move on and do our best to serve as a bridge of cultural exchanges between China and Slovakia.