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Chinese Government Scholarship Information System (CGSIS) Instructions

Click the official website or to create an account (if you donot have one) for CGS/CSC application and sign into the Chinese Government Scholarship Information System (CGSIS).

Please read carefully the instructions before applying for the scholarship. 

Step 1: Input Personal Details. Click "Edit Personal Details" and and finish inputting personal details by filling in all the information, verifying and saving the information. After the completion of this section, return to the previous page by clicking “Finish” and start filling in your application information.

Step 2: Select the correct “Program Category”.

  • Program Category Type A generally refers to scholarship programs responsible by authorities except Chinese universities. Applicants of Type A programs are requested to fill in the Agency Number of relevant agencies (e.g. Chinese Embassy in your country). Applications of Type A will be reviewed by these agencies.
  • Program Category Type B generally refers to scholarship programs responsible by Chinese universities under CGS-Chinese University Program. Applicants of Type B programs are requested to fill in the Agency Number of relevant universities. Applications of Type B will be reviewed by the applied universities.
  • Program Category Type C generally refers to certain appraisal scholarship programs. Applicants of Type C programs will be informed by CSC of the Agency Number in special notices.
  • ★ Classification above only for reference. Before online application, applicant should first confirm the correct Program Category and Agency Number with the responsible agencies. Please visit the following website for introductions of various scholarship programs under CSC scheme:

Step 3: Input the correct Agency Number. Program Category and Agency Number are directly matched, both are mandatory for online application. Scholarship receiving authorities (or application processing authorities) will inform the program category and agency number to candidates who are qualified for applying.

After inputting agency number, the matched agency name will automatically show on the page. As Program Category and Agency Number are directly matched, application processing authorities will not receive your online application if the program category or agency number are not correct.

Step 4: Input Application Information.

For applicants who selected “Type A” and “Type C” application, move on to the section of “Language Proficiency and Study Plan” and upload “Supporting Documents” as requested, then click “Submit” to complete the application.

For applicants who selected “Type B” application, click “Add a New Application” to start an application and multiple applications could be submitted. Applicants shall complete each application by inputting the information of “Language Proficiency and Study Plan” and uploading the “Supporting Documents”, until clicking “Submit”.

Check each part of your application carefully before submission. Please make sure that all the information and uploaded documents are valid and accurate.

When applicants of “Type A” application choose the “Preferences of Institutes”, the system will automatically match the available universities according to the selected “Student Category, Preferred teaching language and Major Applying for”. When applicants of “Type B” and “Type C” choosing the “Discipline & Major Appling for”, the system will automatically match the available majors of that university according to the selected “Student Category, Preferred teaching language”.

With any inquiry concerning the available majors of each university, please visit the following website:

Catalog of Discipline Field, First-level Discipline, Specialty” is available from the “Help”, applicants could download the file to identify the relation between Discipline and Major.

Step 5: Once submitted, amendment cannot be made on “Personal Details” and “Application Information”. Before the application being processed by the processing authorities, applicant can revoke the submitted application by clicking “Withdraw” and edit the application. For “Type B” Application, applicants can revoke all submitted application by clicking “Withdraw All Submitted Applications” and make amendments accordingly.

After revoking the application, applicant must submit at second time after re-editing, or the application will not be processed. Once the application is processed, application cannot be revoked. If one of the submitted “Type B” multiple applications is processed, applicant cannot use “Withdraw All Submitted Applications”.

Step 6: Click “Print the Application Form” and download the form.

Step 7: Submit scholarship application under the requirements of the dispatching authorities (or application processing agency)

China Scholarship Council never entrust any individual or intermediary agent to process Chinese government scholarship applications. Kindly remind that all applicants to directly submit your scholarship applications through official dispatching authorities, avoiding being deceived. The website below is the only official website that China Scholarship Council publishing Study in China information, please do not trust information from any other portals or sources.


CSC only accepts recommended applications from the dispatching authorities in your country or the Chinese universities under Chinese University Program of CGS. The Agency Number can only be obtained from the dispatching authorities or the corresponding universities upon recommendation. Application with incorrect Agency Number will not be processed.

Please use Firefox or Internet Explorer (11.0).

For applicants using Internet Explorer, please close the “compatible view mode” function ahead of editing.

Please fill in all application information in Chinese or English.