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  • Program Introduction

    In order to kindle the interest and passion of foreign youth in learning Chinese and in better understanding Chinese language and culture, Confucius Institute Headquarters initiated The “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign Secondary Students in 2008. The contents of the competition include Chinese language proficiency, knowledge about China, Chinese cultural talents and comprehensive learning abilities. Students who win the preliminary rounds held in their countries will qualify to come to China for the finals. They will also get scholarships as awards to further their studies in China.

    Competition Procedure

    1. Participants
      To be eligible, the participant must meet the following requirements:
      Currently enrolled secondary school student
      Aged between 15 and 20 at application
      Non-Chinese citizenship (born andgrown outside of China)
      Non-native Chinese speaker (Neither of the participant’s parents is a native Chinese speaker.)
      Semi-final and Final contestants of the previous year cannot participate in the competition of the current year.
    2. Topic of the Competition
      Each year, the competition is specified with a topic/theme. Please go to the official “Chinese Bridge” website ( for more details.
    3. Content of the Competition
      The content of the competition includes Chinese language proficiency, knowledge about China, Chinese cultural talent showand comprehensive learning abilities.
      (1) Chinese language proficiency evaluates the contestants’ competency in Mandarin listening, speaking, reading and writing.
      (2) Knowledge about China assesses the contestants’ understanding about China in her geography, history, economy and culture.
      (3) Chinese cultural talent show includes Chinese songs, dances, musical instruments, Chinese operas, calligraphy, paintings and the Martial Arts.
      (4) Comprehensive learning abilities are examined with proper training programmes about Chinese language and culture.
    4. Competition Process
      (1) Preliminary Rounds
      The educational or cultural offices of Chinese Embassies (Consulates) or Confucius Institutes organize the overseas preliminary competitions, select and recommend the winners to attend the final held in China. Outstanding contestants are also recommended to come to China to view the competition together with an accompanying teacher from their country.
      Slovakia and the Czech Republic belong to one Competition region, and thus the preliminary round is held in turns in Slovakia or in the Czech Republic. For example, the competition was held in the Czech Republic in 2019, and therefore, it will be held in Slovakia in 2020.
      (2) Final Round
      The final round will result in the first, second and third group awards and the first, second and third individual awards as well as the single awards through a number of competitions in each October. Please login to the official “Chinese Bridge” website ( for more details.
      (3) Time
      The Preliminary Round: before the end of August
      The Final Round: between October and November.
    5. Awards
      (1) The Preliminary Round: The first prize winner will be invited as the contestant to the Semi-finals and the Final Round, representing both Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The second prize winner will be invited as an observer to the Semi-finals and the Final Round. The other contestants will be awarded by the Organizing Committee of the Preliminary Round.
      (2) The Semi-Finals and the Final Round: All contestants will be awarded with Confucius Institute Scholarships. The single awards winners and the third prize winners and above will also win a return ticket concerning CI scholarship. The Organizing Committee will furnish specific information about the prizes.

    Contact Information

    1. CIB at UMB:
    2. CI Headquarters:
    3. Official website:

    Test Bank of the 9th Chinese Bridge Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foregin Secondary Students

    Test Bank of the 10th Chinese Bridge Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foregin Secondary Students

    Test Bank of the 11th Chinese Bridge Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foregin Secondary Students

    Test Bank of the 12th Chinese Bridge Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foregin Secondary Students